Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York (2024)

IS TTHTR KOTfFAXiO JNTOVKIiII3EK 26. iyU5. i CT YOKVG SAYS NEXT CENT A WORD DEtit*CHUID WINS III A HERCE DRIVE Jockey Powers Lands Favorite First in Oakland Feature. HANDSOME SANTA ANITA: OPENS TODAY Pretty Los Angeles Track Will Start Long Meet With Pomona Handicap. A FINE CLASS OF HORSES tO.

Jacob Mueller vi Liziie Thompson Baker. John'F. Mueller for Herman Knappenberg Ut dft. 220. The Supreme Ruling of the Fra- TruTfe va Antonio Vacant! Wright Mitchell for Lanza A BoncUlerl for dft.

176. William A. tHxon vs. Minnie Dixon. Fred S.

Withy for M. M. Wyvell for df COUNTY COURT. Civil Term. Hon.

Harry 1 Taylor. Judge. For Friday, November 27th. Clear. 83.

Iva E. Sprague va Phoenix Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn. Ticknor Pierce for pltf-: Shire Jellinek for M.

Edward Cook va John H. Sparks. Theo. Arend for Charles W. Slckmon for dft.

85. William Barker vs. Crosstown Street Railway Company of Buffalo. John E. Mlddaugh.

for Norton. Penney Sears for dft. 86. Louis Bork vs. Anthony Boric et al.

J. Bommer for William Jansen. Joseph W. Bork for dft. MUNICIPAL COURT.

Rooms 18 and 98 Municipal Building. The Hon. Clark H. Hammond and Devoe P. Hod son.

Judges. For Friday. November Jury, before Hammond, J- Crystal Ice Storage Co. vs. Fred St.

John. Marshall. Rebadow Thomas for H. H. Bacon for dft.

New York Central Hudson River Railroad Company va International Ry. Co. Hoyt Spratt for Norton, Penney Sears for dft. Hiram Goldstein vs. International Railway Co.

John J. Kane for Norton, Penney A Sears for dft tM Robert B. Adam, as president of the Adam. Meldrum Anderson Co. va Albert L.

Marcua Lewis Lewis for Nelson T. Barrett for dft. Third National Bank va Elisabeth Techmever. Lewis Carroll for Joseph P. Schattner for dft.

Bell Telephone Co. vs. Joseph F. Romans. Cuddeback.

Killeen 4c Karl for B. D. Jackson for dft- Bell Telephone Co. va A. J.

Anmatrtmg, Cuddeback. Killeen Karl for pltfT; Charles Newton for dft. Bell Telephone Co. va Charles Newton. Cuddeback.

Killeen Karl for pltf-i Frank H. Gerrodette for dft. Bell Telephone Co. vs. Waglaw Jrana Cuddeback.

Killeen Karl for Wlllard W. Saperston for dft. URROdATE'S COURT. Room 10. City Hall.

The Hon. Louis B. Hart, 8ur-rogata For Friday, November 27th. Charles F. Warner.

Show cause. Catherine Dolan. Show causa John Burke. Confirmation of referee's report. Sarah Halter.

Judicial settlement. Eliza J. Blair. Judicial settlement AdolDhf Sauter to Jacob Arnold, Satisfaction of Judgment. Charles 'Bhmke In favor of Edward Ba- ker, 267.48.

WUhelmlna Bnndsohn In favor of Dorothy Helnlke, 884.87. Lawrence Savage, Joseph Battles and James i Battles in favor of William J. Burghen; 34,368.97. Henry Hecker in favor of Daniel J. Ferry, 830.88.

Lis Pendens. Antonla Pawlowsko vs. Michael Wlorh and one, defendants, Buffalo (Robert W. Farrlngton. atty.) Emma Day Feary va William 6.

East erbrook, Buffalo (Moot. Sprague, Broww nell Marcy. attys.) County of Erie vs. John K. Stock, defendant, Tonawanda and var.

CT. A. Sullivan, atty.) Paulus Sen mitt, as executor of Andre Zlegler, vs. Wenzel Schrltter end one, defendants, Buffalo (Peter Maul, atty.) Discharge of Mortgage. Susan 'Seckler and one to administrator of Frank H.

Ransom, April. 1878. Rosa Miller to Newton Bond and one. May, 1906. Sarah I Hall to Bertha T.

Trimble, December, 1906. Michael Irwin to John W. Smith, and one, November 1906. George H. Gelger to Frank Eucher, March.

1901. Charles A. Lewis to t-orens Baumelster and one, September, 1906. Orazio Battaglla to Charles O. Morgana.

February, 1908. John D. Spear et aL to Gertrude England, May, 1S96. George n. HSnltley to Rosa M.

lior March. 1905. Margaret Wullams to William EL Letter April. 1905. Matthew J.

Hudson to Bison Realty Corporation. July, 1908. Jacob Rupp to William H. Ortmes, July, 0889. i Eleanor M.

Btines and one to WTlnam. J. Roche, March, 1906. Maria Kuns to Henry W. Burt.

Maron, 1892. Philip Lauer to NWholas Klein, October. 1901- John B. Lynn to 2C Jennie Bull, Deoem-ber 1S99. Matthew J.

Hudson to Hartoy J. Hoad-ley and one. July, 1908. Same to same, July, 1908. Same to same, July, 1908.

Same to same, July, Same to same, July, 1908. Same to same, July. 19f George Down to Pascal P. Pratt. November, 1398- Edward Holmes et al.

to Mary F. White- bv committee. May, 189C. Agnee I Warren to executors of John Taylor, September. 1881.

Esther Lewenthal and one to Buffalo Savings Bank. Pecerrtber, tMary J. Cooper et al. to Erie County Savings Bank. February, 1S98.

Assignment of Mort-acas. Walter Truman to Buffalo City Charles D. Mhall to VwlsVGMySmltJno William H. lister, xutors of Louis P. Adolff to Charteei A.

Adolff, 8400. Same to same, 8L200. v. Edward J. Brown to Patrick Cochrane, 8300.

Executor of Robert Gilbert to Jcmn Pnctoria1Wellman to Wlllard Wellman. by guardian. Chattels. Philip H. Hersog A.

Dutch A 8625 To Erie County Loan Company: Eugene A. Chamberlain and one. 855; Marie A. Fermclle and one, 890; Agnes Hakes and one, 8100; Gertrude C. Hayes 825: Lena Kudars and one, 8200; James Parker et 8200; Alice Shoemaker and one, 8150; Elizabeth Sullivan and one, 325; Joseph K.

Stoneham and one, 830; Lillie Van Curran and one, JS2. Edward M. Matter and one to John Ryan. 875.00. Mechanic's Elena.

Meyer Spear va Jacob Wallens, owner, Joseph Jorcelow, contractor, Buffalo, 314. S. Harris Peek vs. GlbsoA A Williams, owners, Aurora, 82,243.48. Judgments.

Joseph Donowlek in favor of Albert O. rSrrthlowaVt 134.75. rn.vid Nolan In favor of Bernard Brady. 8304.55. Morris Feldman In favor of Henry P.

PrAillr fTft 79. Vinzenzo Carfangnla In favor of Nich olas Tuorxo, 826.10. George J. Haffa In favor of Wellington Z. Jarden.

876.68. George G. Niehus and Jennie Nlehus tn favor of Faramel Manufaoturlng Com pany. 8111.20. Herald Printing Company and Daniel F.

Toomey ravor oi lausun way Spanldlng, 8262.18. Devlllo J. Sanford In favor of Blason A Rmallev. 832.98. William J.

Nagle and Brian J. O'Day In favor of Helen Connor as saminis-trator of James J. O'Connor, 82,291.98. William C. Briwnell In favor of Board of Assessors of the City or Buffalo, 8239.07.

George Berner in favor of George Grieseer, X9S.94. John J. Sullrran in favor of D. S. Morgan A 8116.45.

Smyrama Court Part X. The Hon. Edward. K. Iery, Justice presiding'.

November 25, 1908. Emma Ewert va City of Buffalo. Verdict for plaintiff for 85.000. Sn-nreme Court Special Term The Hon. Charles B.

Wheeler, Justice pre siding. November 25, 1WOS. Louis Schneider va Mary Furry and one. Order discontinuing action. Evan D.

Thomas va the New York Central A Hudson River Railroad Company. Like order. Charles B. Francis va Buffalo Lake Erie Traction Company. Order vacating Injunction.

Minnie Miller va George Miller. Order to show cause, returnable December 1909, at 10 a m. B. M. Hager Sons Company vs.

Buffalo Lumber Drying Company et al. Order settling accounts of receiver. Frederick Robertson vs. the Charles B. Lents Company and ona Order directing deposit of moneys In Marine National Bank, etc, and vacating lnjuno-tion.

The Wltkop Holmes Company vs. Eryln G. Boyce. Order directing plaintiff to give undertaking for 8500. James Day va Wabash Railroad Company and ona Order discontinuing action.

The People ex rel. John McGovern vs. Providence Retreat Order dismissing writ of habeas corpus. Central Star Laundry Company vs. Charles M.

Baker. Order discontinuing action. In re application for the sale of real property of William G. Petrie and one. Order authorizing guardian to make con.

tract Decisions By "Wheeler, J. Ottls H. Hyde va George J. Luta Judgment of Municipal Court affirmed. Opinion filed.

Sophronla A. Krebs vs. Erie Railroad Company. Order granting motion to modify order directing physical examination by substituting name of Dr. Mary Wetmore place of male physician.

Opinion filed. County Court The Hon. Harry I. Taylor, judge. November 25, 1908.

Sarah O. Gilbert va Herbert W. Drake et aL Order vacating Judgment, discontinuing action and canceling lis pendena Jacob Myngrsgls vs. Jacob Skrabaca, Complaint dismissed with costs. Edward F.

Loud vs. Adam Elsaesser and ona Judgment for plaintiff for 8268.75. Sebastian Fraecello va Maria G. Ranallo et aL Order of reference to Gus Wende to compute. Clara Gese va Elva M.

Nourse et aL Referee's report of sale confirmed. E. R. Thomas Motor Company vs. William M.

FarreU et al. Order amending judgment of foreclosure and sale nunc pro tunc The Ellleott PermanentJBavlngs Loan Association va Ernest W. Seeger et al Judgment of foreclosure and sala In re sale of estate of Cecilia Bauer, late an Infant, now of full age. Order directing; County Treasurer to pay over money. I Surrogate's Court The Hon.

Xonls B. Hart, Surrogate. November StS. 1908.. Goeller infanta Judicial settlement.

Jacob Stern for guardian; Shire Jellinek for Infants. Adjourned to December i Margareth a Koerber. W11L Sigmund G. Gelbart for peUUoner; George L. Kingston special guardian.

Theodore Steeg recalled. Proofs completa Decree granted. t. Margaretha HoetxeL W1IL F. e.

Ragot for petitioner. Proofs complete. Decree granted. John tepeisa juaiaai settlement. Peter JlIaul for petlUoner; Lesley for YEAR WILL BE BIS LAST The veteran Cy Young say that next season will wind up his career on the diamond.

Young also has induced the Boston American League club to retain his old side partner. Catcher Crlger, for whom Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis recently made flattering offers. Young and Crlger have been, one of baseball's greatest batteries and they want to stick together' until they decide to leave the national game for all time. 1 M'FARLAND AND GANS DICKERING FOR MATCH In reply to Joe Gins' statement that he will make a match with Packey Mc-Farland the latter's manager says that McFarland will meet the former lightweight champion In a fight of not less than twenty-five rounds either at Los Angeles or Frisco.

McFarland says that Nelson promised him a match if he first defeated Gans, and for that reason he will sign articles to meet tne Baltimore pugilist without delay. If McFarland insists upon 133 pounds ringside, however, there will be no fight, as Gans has barred scaling at that time. BASKETBALL AND WATER CARNIVAL AT Y. M. C.

A- TONIGHT Central Y. M. A-' programme for tonight at the gymnasium and plunge Is among the best ever offered to the public along the line of athletics. The Ranger-Y. M.

A. basketball game will be a hummer, full of play that will be interesting. Both teams are high markers and noted for playing fast ball every minute. The teams are in the pink of condition end tonight's game will be worth going to see. The swimming events are new and novel and when It is understood that the best swimmers In the city are entered It Is easily seen that this part of the programme will catch the crowd.

The events will be 60 and 100-yard dashes, handicap; 40-yard boys' race, a candle event and a relay 360-yard race between the Lafayette H. S. and two Y. M. C.

A. teams. There will also be special events and some exhibition work by Matthew Mann, one of the fastest ewtmmers in the world. The card of sports will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. MACK AITD HESS SiaH Mike Hess of Perry and Eddie Mack, the local boy.

met yesterday and agreed upon conditions for a finish wrestling' match to be held in the near future before the club offering the best Inducements. The boys agree to weigh In st 117 pounds and to wrestle to a finish, best two out of three falls. Both men deposited a forfeit for weight and appearance, same to go as a side bet. NEW MOTOBXnrCXB RECORD. Birmingham.

Nov. 25. Robert Stubbs of Birmingham, yesterday, rode a motor cycle 100 miles In 1:47:44 on the fair ground's track, lowering the record held by Stanley Kellogg of Philadelphia at 2:06:36. Th" race was under the sanction of the Motor Cycle Club of America. COURT CALENDARS COURT OF APPEALS CALENDAR.

Albany. Nov. 25. The Court of Appeals took a recess today until next Monriay when these cases will be taken up: N03. 25.

30. 35, 352 (old calendar); 6, $05 eld calendar) 9. 22. SUPREME COURT. PART 1.

Room 88. City Hall. Hon. Edward K. Knwry, Justice presiding.

For Monday. November 30th. Clear. 869. May F.

Williams vs. Crosstown St, Ry. Co. Fred D. Russell for Norton.

Pennev "fe Sears for dft. 1693. Herman Mayer, as vs. Pennsylvania R. R.

Co. Wilbur B. Grandlson for Frank Rumsey for dft. 1S45. Walter 8.

Jenkins, as trustee, etc vs. First National Bank. William R. Pooley for White Jb Stanley for dft. 1861.

John Roth, by guardian, -vs. Martin H. Blecher and one. Cuddeback. Killeen Karl for Bushnell A Metcalf for dft.

1S65. Frank Mauer vs. William Bu-bach. et al. White Fennelly for Jacob Stem for rtft.

119. The Oriental Shop vs. John Uhrlaub. F. Matthews for Montague Lessler for dft.

21. Mlchalie Giovlno vs. International Railway Company. Charles Slckmon for Norton. Penney Sears for dft.

267. The City of Buffalo vs. the Union Surety and Guaranty Company and one, L. E. Desbecker for Van Scha4ek Norton.

Lockwood. Hoyt Greene for 273. George Hammann, by guard-Ian, vs. Graphic Arts Co. William J.

Hlckey for Gibbons, Pottle A Talbot for dft. 8TUPREME COURT. PART IT. Room Hall. Hon.

Truman C. White. Justice presiding. For Friday, November 27th. On trial: No.

1756. 1756. Frank D. Conrad et al. vs.

Albert Fchelllng, as one of the et al. E. W. Harrington for pltf. Robert F.

Schelling and Simon Flelschmann for dft. 55a Mvra B. Bruce vs. Pennsylvania R. R.

Co. Charles Strong for Frank Rumsey for dft. 61S. Thomas S. 0'B'''n vs.

Edward Ellsworth. Frank Langdon for Clinton B. Glbbs for dft. 392. Moses Shire and one vs.

Albert Rlehl and one. Vernon Cole for Wm. H. Stoddard for dft. 668.

The People of the State of New York upon relation of Edward Bucheg-ger vs. The United Association of Journeymen Plumbers. Wm J. Bullion for Daniel V. Murphy for dft.

662. Annie Dion vs. International Railway Co. M. L.

A. S. Wright for Norton. Penney Sears for dft. 670.

James M. Jeans vs. Buffalo Structural Steel Co. Robt. C.

Palmer for Dttf. Hovt Spratt for dft. 694. Thomas Brown vs. Hamburg Railway Co.

Shire JelMnek for pltr- Nel-lanv Georgl for dft. 676. H. G. Waters Son vs.

Mark Rafalsky. Loomis Glbbs for Desbecker. Fiske Moore fOT dft. 696. Lillie Hilberg vs.

Edward II Ed-dv. F. C. Brendel for White Fennellv for dft. 574.

Mazle L- Cafferty vs. International Railway Co. Chas. Oishei for Norton. Penney Sears for dft.

60S. John Spera vs. International Railway Co. H. O.

Lanza for Norton, Penney Sear for dft. 692. Patrick J. Quirk vs. N.

Y. C. H. R. R.

Co. George H. Kennedy for Hoyt Spratt for dft. SUPREME COURT. Part III.

Criminal Term. Room 22, City Hall. Hon. Louis W. Marcus.

Justice presiding. SUPREME COURT. Eauitv Term. Room 34. City Hall.

Hon. Charles H. Brown. Justice presiding. For Friday, November 27th.

On trial: No. 17. 17. G. W.

Maytham vs. Edward C. Maytham et al. Ticknor Pierce for William B. Wright.

or i dft. 133. Assets Realization vs. Clarence M. Howard et al.

Strebel. Corey Wierllng for pltfi: John F. Mueller for dft. Held. 212.

Smith Blanchard Lumber Company vs. Mary E. Etjen and one. Bls-sell Ladd for C. F.

Bolne. G. F. Matthews for dft. Held.

64. Joseph Fried vs. Henry Danzlger e. al. Simon Fleischmann for Shire Jellinek for dft.

ISO. Supreme Ruling of the Fraternal Mystic Circle vs. Philip Bommer. Thayer, Tuttle White for White Fennelly for dft. 1S4.

Commonwealth Trust as etc. vs. Frederick G. Mitchei. as et al.

Moot. Sprague, Brownell Marcy for William B. Wright for dft. 179. Edward H.

Eddy vs. Frontier Telephone Co. White ft for Kenefick. Cooke Mitchell for dft. 224.

John E. Roth et al. vs. Samuel Robertson and one. Thayer.

Tattle White for Cary, Wallace and R. K. Robertson for dft. 244. Calogera Fanaro vs.

Cosimo Fa-naro. Hammond Hlnkley for Westphal Allen for dft. 245. Fred Walter vs. J.

Thomas Harp and one. George C. Miller for E. Klein for dft. Held.

227. George. Ralber vs. Lottie Raiber. McCall Jackson fee ylU.

J. "'ght iag dtts RATE ONE BOARD AJTD ROOMS. Mt tala kaa a PROSPECT PLEASANT TUB--av nlshed rooms; bath, steam heat i aovStdeeS COLLEGE 8T. (VERY CENTRA Room with board, 85; home privileges. 24t26 AT w- CHTPPEWA, THE A XJ Y.

-t Furnished housekeeping apartment. Also sleeping too ma i fA JOHNSON PARJC-FLEASANT B1N-gle and double rooms; board; bath on each floor. 1 novl7tdec3 Q-l SENCEA STREET. UP STAIRS OX Good board and clean single room; 83.60 week, nov.23tdec.l 1 fit NIAGARA THE BEVEfRIJST -LUX; (central), attractively furnished alcove room and others; modern conveni-ences; refined people. 23t27 191MARINBR, NEAR ALLEN XwX Ltrw room, suitable for couple; best board; phone and conveniences.

i 26t30 1 Ky NIAGARA ST. URNISHED rooms to rent; men only; $1.50, 82, 83.00. "7ft NORTH PEARL, NEAR NORTH I Pleasant single room; breakfast; BeH phone; parlor. I4t2 CO A KLIN 8T. ELEGANT auw rooms well heated one fifty up.

novstso fA-f GENESEE HOU8EKEEPTNO-; VJj cheap gas ranges; bath; every convenience. 36t29 AQ FOREST AVE. NEWLY FUR---v0 nlshed rooms with board If desired; bath and gas. 40 A WARE WELL-FUR-nlshed, connecting housekeeping rooms, with all convenlenoea. 24t26 OrrQ FRANKLIN ST.

NICELY FUR-nXj nlshed front double and single rooms, with, running water; bath; tele- phone, i i 24t30 007 DELAWARE THE ARNO 0 Steam-heated single rooms for gen-tleman bes board and bath. 24t30 OPT'T DELAWARE, THE DELANO OO I Steam heat hot and cold water In all rooms; board. ov-27t ec6 Q4T FRANKLIN ST. NEWLY DEC-Odb I orated, clean and cosy, homeliko rooms, 82 and up; refined people; phone; handsome house. OCT'T THE DELANO-JJ Flne irooms; modern cbnveniences; ejccollent board; pure table water.

17t26 At FRANKLIN WELL-FURNISHED TtX I front' room; also single room, with running crater, gaa furnace heat. 20t26 Kf(l MAIN ST. FRONT PARLOR; wUU all conveniences; bath; phone. 24t26 (OA WASHINGTON. OPPOSITE MAR-U ket Two front suites of housekeeping rooms, furnished complete; gas, laun-drv privileges.

25t26 1184 MAIN HIGH-CLASS BOARD. rooms with running hot water and very large clothes closets. 2tt28 "I OQQ MAIN ST. i LARGE. WARM LiitlO rooms; flrst-claaa table; handsome house; choice locality: high class, comfortable and homelike; prices reasonably novlltdeclO ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Would you appreciate assistance, avoiding expense, waste of time, and have exactly the room or location you wish The best hotels, apartment bouses, select private homes, rooms with private baths, running water, with or without board, housekeeping apartments, famished flats and houses are all listed with ua Come, and make a selection or get a list of what you want! Miller's Advertising and Information Bureau.

431 EUlcott Square. i nov24tdec23 APARTMENTS, SINGLE OR EN suite: private bath: steam heat; electric light: elevator: hotel service; fur nished or unfurnished. The Raleigh. 854 TJIANO i FOR SALE. BEST MAKE, a.

upngni, soia ny owner on easy terms Aaaress tnano, uunraio courier. zztzs BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS, sleeping or housekeeping: refined peo- ie: iransienia aocommooaiea toenmtij Tracy, off Delaware. 25t27 A LCOVE FRONT ROOM FOR GEN- uemap; flown town; porcelain batn; Turn ace neai. jmone zjsh. novzstdeel VTTELL FURNISHED FLAT OF FOUR rooms; rurnaoa gas, nata, linen.

Oak. 26tZ7 PARLOR WITH SLEEPINO ROOM; separate entrance: bath; gentleman; iaoy; private noma x-qpper sai. atZ7 "VTEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP XI lng rooms; ground floor; separate en- 24t25 TTTANTED ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM Uy near Waldea Avenue car barns. Address Young Man, Buffalo courier. ix) st and rovsia Ada nader thla head mm' resit word.

OST LADY'S GOLD WATCH AND too on Norwooi, utica. juasien, u-ien-wood, Chester, Waveriy or Ferry Street. Reward If returned to 133 walden Avenue. OST BRTNDLE1 AND WHITE BOS- J-i ton terrier puppy, iteturn xo iuz iin wood Avenue. next of -kin.

Executor directed to ap pear In court for examination on November 2. Henrietta Hegel. will. No appear- ancea i Held Generally. Frederick Schmltt Judicial settlement Cuddeback.

Killeen Karl for next of kin. Adjourned to November 80. Anna M. Hunt. WI1L Same appear ances.

Adjourned, to November 30, Henry Lehde, Contest of will. Fred S. Withe for proponent; George W. Welters -for John Lehde and Elisabeth Lehde sad withdraws his appearance In proceeding. Proofs; completa Decree granted.

ISunici'Dal Court The Hon. Clark H. Hantmond and the Hon. Devoe P. Hodson, Judges.

November 1908. The following Judgments were rendered favor; of the plaintiffs: Adam iF. Gebhard va Henry Faney, 122.10. Thomas J. Btooks jonn cnroeaer, 8103.38.

Albert ij. wneeier va winiam wens. 830.97. Julius B. Llherman va aui A.

wnite. C16.95. i May White va White Electric com pany, Ruel H. Barker vs. Frederick B.

Mill-ring. 829.10. William H. Cralghin vs. Alfred Bid- well, 81SP.18.

The Philip Carey tympany va Micnaai Gesl. 84tS2. Koy strong va. jonn nonn, George Grleser vs. J.

Berner, 8.84, Slsson Smaller va Devillo J. San ford. $32.. German-American Brewing Company vs. Max Miller, $1JL27.

Decisions By Hammond, J. OliveriL. Flaher vs. Edward McMahon. Judgment for plaintiff, 831.45.

Decisions By Hodson, J. A. Victor Company va L. G. Arber.

Judgment awarding plaintiff possession of chattels, value Frontier Furniture Company va Maude Town send. Judgment awarding plaintiff possession of chattels. "Value fixed at $03.78. Hons-; Span gent nai and one va George F. Dixon.

Judgment swarding plaintiff possession of chattela Value 882. BXDCLLESTXB DECISIONS. Rochester. Nov. 25.

The Appellate Di vision this afternoon handed down the following Erie County decisions: William F. as administrator, respondent. vaJ the Grand Trunk Railway Company i of Canada, appellant Judgment and order reversed and new trial ordered with costs to appellant to abide event. Held that all the Issues In the case, including the question of dam- area must be determined under the laws of Canada and that the finding of the Jury that the plaintiff wa entitled to compensatory damages In this case Is contrary to and against the 'weight of the evidence. All concur, except Spring.

and Robinson. who dissent upon the ground that i whether the plaintiff was entitled to compensatory damages under 1 the Canadian laws was a quea. tlon of fact for the Jury and was properly disposed of by It. 1 I (i William F. Browne, by guardian, etc.

I Sppellant, va New Tork Central Hud- 1 son R4ve Railroad- Company, respondent i i': arrstCAi. tirrrRirKniTm, A. 4r tfcta mm 9 TTIOLIK MAKER, RESTORER. EX. DO t7T' a T01n: ow Pmul Rodet, 881 Main Street, upstairs; Bell phone ttm SALE PIANO.

SLIOHTLY USKIi. Will seU reasonably. 2S Pennsylvania. PICTTTRH FRAMES. 4w kNl 4.

TICTURE3 FRAMED TO OTtn' A latest strles. lowevt prlcea Etkv Koufman. 158 Seneca. rr PIAAOS FOR SAI.K. A.

iHtT fkla kM4 mm rt r- FISCHER UPRIGHT FOR SAJ.E: hogany case; reeeonable price t- yate family. Call evenings excep' wrday. Barton Rtrwt. SrKCXAL ROTICIS, Ala. tAfr thin b4 rent PRINCE RUPERT THE TBPTV? of the Grand Trunk Peclfle Send for map of town site and photographed from official plan rf British Columbia Government; inc' stampa Geo.

E. Glhuon. real estat- '-1 timber. Prince Rupert B. C.

5t" STOVES AT PRICES NOT TOT" TT dersold; easy payments. ZlnV -niture House, corner Connectlc- r- Normal r'-fv STORAGE. Amm. this tieS et a tt HIGH GRADE STORAGE. FTR '-ture carted free; examine the ole where you store your goods; we hae finest warehouee between Chicago New York; dust-proof, locked reor with the lowest rate of Insurance; t' only warehouse with night watchman no horses kept In the building; fumltr stored, moved, parked and shipped.

Bi 1 phone. Our Own Delivery end StrS3 Front Avenue and Georgia 8trt- novltiW Gnvr-FTXJE 8 TO RAGE; FTTRNITtTRK carted free: new warehouse, fireproof vaults for valuables; most complete, cleanest kept storehouse in the State; sway from factory or railroad emoke; no horses kept in building; store furniture; separate, locked, dust-proof, Iron rooms; estimates given for moving, -parking, storing or shipping furniture; experienced men; both phones; write or call; special, care taken with goods consigned to us. Main and Glenwood. Cold Spring Storage Co. Night watchman.

nv26tdecl 1 CLAIRVOYAirTS. Atfo. thla kraal ame a ware. MRS. KINO.

SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, palmist tells regarding business, positions, love, sickness, law suits, marriage; tells whom and when you marry. 134 North DtWien Street novl8tdec3 PROF. VONDROL. TRANCE MB-dlum. 265 Genese, corner Ash.

nov24tdec8 TTTHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. CONSULT Maserpa; but why not save time and money? Consult her first; they all com to her; others come and go, but eha is here to stay. C9 William Street Z3tZ7 MEDICAL. Asia. astSer thla mmM mrnrn were.

39 NIAGARA SALT BATHS. vstu 39 NIAGARA PERSIAN BATHS. IStW ATTENTION 87 NIAGARA. SCALP treatments. mfl QO I A A A LINIMENT TREAT-uy roenta ifctgs 37 AND 89 NIAGARA (EXTENDING I sign) Robinson's hot air and vapor baths.

litis MEN QUICK. CERTAIN RESULTS. Consult Dr. Salter, confidential spe- t. novfftdecS 07 NIAGARA A S.

MAN1CUK-t I lng; baths; noon until ten. ectstnovSO -4 QO NIAGARA SATISFACTORY treatments. oct28tnovS0 fTVREATMENTS AND BATHS CUSIC1Q JL 229 Pearl. Jt2 yO COURT. ONE TREATMENT CTTReI all pains.

1 24t0 GIBSON. TREATMENTS AND BATHS, 11 Niagara Street third floor. 1US MARR--T REATMENTB AND hatha 11 Niagara, third floor. Dtn BATHS. 133 COURT STREET, NEAR! Niagara Square.

novJtJO 17 COURT MANICURE. VAPOR JL i and sulphur bath a Under new management tztaj MEYERS. MANICURING. FACIAL treatments, scalp treatmenta 17 W. Eagle St BELMONT TREATMENTS AND hatha under new management.

81 W. Genesee 8t 12t29 QO NIAGARA GRAND ELTSIAN 07 magnetic; largest equipment: re freshing baths; manicuring. Eleven until ten. octrstnovflo TREATMENTS AND BATHS FOR SE-lect patronaga Address Re fined, Buffalo Courier. J4U BATHS AND TREATMENTS, 47 EAST Mohawk Street; bell 5.

24 CHICAGO GRADUATE OPENED NEW parlors, 113 Niagara. Street. FarlaL seal treatments ana oatna 2t QO COURT, ELEGANT TREATMENTS. Wt30 MAGNETIC fTHE ONLY ORIGINAL practical healing graduate of mag netism) Only restful treatments prac ticed, unless bringing doctor permit for healing treatmenta. 89 Niagara lbtaecs TREATMENTS AND BATHS ALBER-ta.

the only New York gradimte, 61 West HurOn. novwtdeel TTVOXTOF 18 C6URT REMOVE!) JC to 619 Washington Street; treatmenta baths, vapors. novSStdecl OO COURT, HOT BATHS, ALCOHOL MWmd oil. 3t30 URRAY. 181 FRANKLIN AN 1-curtng.

alcohol baths; open evenings; rround floor: walk In. 3t.7 fffAlTEN-T A 8 AND baths. 817 Ellleott Btreet. nov3iaec T71REE ONE WEEKS TREATMENT; X1 Impotency. loss of power, regaraies of age or causa there are no strings attached to thla and you do not Incur any obligation, simply send name to Box 213 Riverside.

New Jersey. Judgment and ordx affirmed with costs. All concur. rinatav fman. bv ruardlan.

plaintiff vs. New York Central A Hudson River Railroad Company, defendant. Plaintiffs exceptions overruled, morion for new trial denied with costs and Judgment ordered for the defendant upon the non-suit with costa All concur. The People of tbe state 01 isew xora, respondent, vs. William Balderaton, ap Twlfant Judgment of conviction re versed and new trial ordered upon the ground that the trial court commmea error In the admission of evidence.

All concur, except McLennan, and Robson. who dissent Francis Cassadlty. as administrator, appellant vs. American Llneed Company, respondent Judgment and order affirmed with costa All concur. Melvtn D.

Tucker ana one. piaintirrs. vs. tre supreme Tfni or me Miirmi of the Maccabees of the World, defend ant. Vlalntiffs" exceptions overruled.

motion for new trial denied with rot and Judgment ordered for the plaintiffs upon the verdict wun coats, aii tawur, except Robson. who dissents, and Spring. 4., not sitt'ng. Cltv of Buffalo, sppellant. va.

Buffalo Gss Company, respondent Order rr-vll. ftod so as to provide that tne amount to be Dakl bv the plaintiff rhaM h-v. 7t rents per thousand, feet instead cents and ss so nwl'ned erTnei 't'l-it costs of this apneito rrry. All concur, except Spring. i' -hs who dissent end vote for eT erre.

Frances O. rsrrea ss tl" atrlx etc. respondent vs. Citr of and Crosstown Street "wy C--o-v et Buffalo, appellants. of de'endut railway company ror inv to appeal Court of Appeals granted FIRST ON TWO OTHERS Toboggan Wins at Beaumont John Garner Takes -Feature Event.

Oakland, CaL. Nov. 25. The weather ai Emoryville today was ghowry and the track muddy. Good sport prevailed and favorites were generally success ful.

One of the best contests was in the fourth. In which Deutschland beat Billy Pullman In a drive. First race, Futurity course, selling St. Francis. 110.

Miller 11 to 20. 1- May Amelia. 109. Bettig, 23 to 5, Silver Stocking. 110.

Taplln, 60 to 1. 3. Time, 1:11 1-6. Ellerd. Rocks tone.

Steel Blue, Goldena and George P. McNear ran. Second race. 6 1-2 furlongs, selling Sehleswlg, 98. Upton, 9 to 6.

Right Easy. 105. Walsh. 120 to 1, Apto Oro, 10 9. W.

Miller. 18 to 1, 3. Time. 1:08 1-6. Wamboro.

Ak Sar Ben. Miss Highland. Mozart. Meddling Hannah, El Paso and Pirate Queen ran. Third race, mile and 60 yards, selling; Aftermath, 109, Powers.

4 to 1, Mabel Hollander, 87, F. Sullivan. 9 to 5. Lampadrone, 109. Rattlg.

60 to 1. 3. Time, 1:46 2-6. Kelowana. Lazell.

My Pal Metlakatla and CoL Bronston ran. Fourth race, mile and sixteenth, selling Deutschland, 110. Powers, 12 to 6, BlllvPullman, 109. Miller, 7 to 1. Fred Bent, 108, Klrschbaum.

7 to 1. 3. Time. 1:48 1-6. Cadlchon and LoglstU-la ran.

Fifth race, mile and 60 yards, selling Lady Alicia. 102, Russell. 7 to 5. 1: Bellemenee. 102, BlxtOn, 5 to 1.

The Englishman, 110. Powers. 3 to 1. 3. i Time.

1:45 2o. Rotrou. Fulletta, Kam- sack, pleiad and Miss May Bowdish ran. Sixth race. 7 furlongs Sewell, 107.

Powers, 2 to 7. 1: Creation, 103. But-i ler 15 to 1. 2: Roval Ben. 113.

Lycu'r- gus. 40 to 1. S. Time. 1:27.

Dollie Dollars and Cloudllght ran. Oakland Entries. First Race. 6 1-2 Furlongs. Jo Rose 112 Palo Alto Oesa 112 Marchess High Ormonde ..112 Smiling Jack Cowen 112 Obey Rosamo 112 Incentive Who 112 Match Tulla Second Race, 6 Furlongs.

Prestige 117 Magrane Voladay 117 Mfke Ashelm Nappa Ir7 "Warden Tell Elevation 114 Third Race, Futurity Course, Roseben 112 J. C. Core Import ....110 Torbellino Collector Rose Vale Boggs 107 Fourth Race. 1 1-8 Mile. Montgomery ...113 "Don Enrique Tony Faust 103 Law.

P. Daley. Dor an re 115 Astronomer Royal Tourist ..114 Fifth Race, 1 1-4 Mile. County Clerk ...110 Lady Alicia Cloverland 110 Fulletta Sir Brillar 110 Nadzu Talamund 110 Sixth Race. Furlongs.

Von Tromp 117 Calla Woolen 114 The Vicar Wap 110 Sainvoke Lord Provost 109 Coupled. Coupled. .112 .109 .109 .103 .109 .109 .114 .110 .110 .107 93 .103 .106 .100 .107 .102 .102 .109 9.1 S3 BEAUMONT RESULTS. Beaumont, Nov. 25.

Race summaries: First race, 4 1-2 furlongs Jim Banes. 113, Henry. 3 to 1, 6 to 6 and 1 to 2, Bantronta, 103, Donovan. 4 to 1. 8 to 6 and 4 to 6, 110; Molesworth, 8 to 1, 6 to 6 andTto 2, S.

Time. 1:03 2-6. Sybil Kemp, C. Clamp, Lloyd ugid Jack Riey also ran. Second race, 61-2 furlongs Uncle Tim, 99, Louder.

8 to 1. 8 to 1 and 8 to 6, Ben Waknsley. 104, Butweil. 10 to 1. 4 to 1 and 2 to 1, Bitter Man, 104, Molesworth.

5 to 2 to 1 and even, 3. Time, 1:21. Charlatan. Carasco, Orba, Convenient. Snakewood, Guile and Ida Lyttle also ran.

Third race, 6 furlongs Toboggan 109, Lindsey. 6 to 1. 2 to 1 and even. Ij Hanco*ck, lli, Pendergast, 2 to 1, 4 to and 3 to 6, Comal, 101. Louder, 8 to 1.

8 to and 3 to 2. 3. Time, 1:03 2-6. Itan, Smithy Kane, Bonart, Sampson and James V. also ran.

Fourth race, 6 furlongs John Garner, 115, Shrener, 5 to 2, 3 to 6 and out, Arch Oldham, 12), Molesworth. 8 to 6, 1 to 2 and out, Lena Lech 97, 4 to 1 8 to 6 and out, 3. Time. 1:03 2-6. Marchmonet and Hattfe Garrett also ran.

Fifth race, 1 mile Associate, 99, Louder. 3 to 2. 2 to 5 and out, Ohian Belle. 104, Otis, 8 to 1, 3 to 1 and 6 to 5, Straight Line, 10L Peak, 6 to 1, 2 to 1 and even. 3.

Time, 1:42 2-5. Lady Oakland. Grenade, Lord Dixon and Doubt also ran. Sixth race Wire trouble. Beaumont Entries.

First Race, 6 Furlongs. Doc Allen 99 James 104 Haughty 104 Feast 99 Dick Redd 107 Oroba 94 No Quarter I'M Pat Ornus 99 Donna Elvira 99 Wenola 99 Ed Tracy 104 II Meter 104 Second Race, 6 Furlongs. Flvlng Pearl 110 Gus Cuniot Thel. Thompson. Miss Gratitude M.

Sister Ollle Mlnneolette 110 Speight ,105 .110 .110 110 Third Race. 6 Furlongs. Jose Wilson 110 Regards Cintilla 105 Mrs. Flannigan. ..305 Iong John 113 Fhllarle 105 Louise F.

105 Shampoo ....105 Fourth Race. 4 1-2 Furlongs. Galobla 99 Hannls .104 Cheswardine 104 Bart Howe 99 Epitome 97 John Sparks 94 Blaze Veil 94 Lykers 96 Fifth Race 6 Furlongs. Nettle Carita 104 Annie Donohue 99 BCsserlan 104 Rationality 104 Fallen 104 Tampan Vohoome 14 Wise Hand 104 Little George ....104 Alamo H4 Lady Bateman ..104 Frank Schramm .105 Sixth Race. One Mile.

Bon. Pr. Charlie. 124 Gunston 104 Lady Oakland 99 My Love 100 Prince Rover 95 Adesso U)2 Mary Candlemas. .14 Chian Belle 106 Alvise 1j6 Captain Lytle 95 Walter B9 Dr.

Nash 104 Los Angeles Entries. First Race, Furlongs. H-vstv Agnes 102 Rlalio lold Heart 102 Center Ida. May 107 Colloquy Second Race. 1 Mile.

106 102 105 106 96 110 102 101 K4 Varieties 102 Old Barney Oldileld. 105 Agreement Homeless 104 Goldwav The Hammer King Leopold. John Lyle av Star Mike 96 Bonton 101 Rlack W5 Merrill 106 Canivjue 106 Third Race, 5 1-2 Furlongs. qervicenic 106 Helen Rey Eldinero 103 Enfield 103 of Gotham Nasmerlto 106 Bennie pcd 104 Busy Joe Gaitlns 106 Zella Roy 101 Hardlyson Oulel 10,5 Baltrlan Fourth Race. 7 Furlongs.

Retigouche 115 Jack Domlnus 11 Green Seal Stanley 110 Lee Hose Old Timer WS Gemmell Dandelion 119 Vox Popull Liearo 103 Fifth Race, 11-8 M31es. Alma Boy 105 Mori in gem Henry 0 100 Husky Bye Bye II 105 Miss St. Ilario 102 Sixth Race, 7 Furlongs. Light 110 Jack Neva Lee 107 Hilgert Domlnus 11 ERheldar Gemmell 107 Ixtus Eater Mark Ar.thony II 107 Sir Edward Pretension .107 Clear; track fast. 103 106 103 103 103 103 103 9 114 208 97 106 105 102 105 107 110 107 110 110 TEN EYCK DT TROUBLE.

Syracuse. Xov. 35. James A. Ten Eyck, stroke of Syracuse University elgnt-oared crew, -was arrested here today hy the Chicago police.

He la charged with being a party in a pool game tor -Milch. Christ'lXaneea was fleeced out of 81.330. Crowd of Horsem*n in the City Many Good Riders for the Meet. CBy Special "Wire to The Courier.) Los Anjceles. Sept.

25. lovers of the sport of kings, -who have been wait-in anxiously for the owning of the 1908-09 racing season here, will have their wish gratified tomorrow afternoon when the Ion winter meeting at Santa Anita Park will open with the Pomona Handicap at seven furlongs as the feature. The meeting la scheduled to run about four months and during that period the usual stakes and purse races will be decided. That the meetlnr which opens tomor- fw will be the most successful In the lstory of racing in Southern California there Is no question. In addition to the usual number of visitors who were wont to come here regularly each winter for the racing there will be almost 60 per pent of the New Orleans contingent in attendance here.

Alreadv hundreds of horsem*n, clerks, bookmakers and others are here on their first visit. All of the officials are here for the meeting. Handlcapper E. C. Smith has been here for a week and has prepared bis book for the first nine days of racing, lie Is a most competent and capable Landicapper and always gives general satisfaction.

Judge A. W. Hamilton, who will act as presiding Judge, has been here for the past few days. Associate Judges Cole and Pomery. Paddock Judge Henderson and Gene Elrod.

who has charge of the betting ring, are all here. Starter Jake Holtman, who will wield the flag for the first two works of racing, arrived a few days ago. He will alternate with Dick Dwver. who nt nres- ent Is at Oakland, throughout the season. These two starters are both popular In California.

Santa Anita has been fortunate in drawing an excellent lot of horses for he winter meeting. The class repre-Jented is of the best and it will take a pretty shifty thoroughbred to earn Its oats around here this season. All of tho rtake events have attracted the bfst horses In training and some great sport Is on the programme for the coming winter. At present stable room is at a premium and those who did not make early applications have been forced to hustle around for stable accommodations. Racing Brings Town to life.

Merchants. hotel proprietors and others of Los Angeles will welcome the racing peason here with open arms. As one hotel man said yesterday, the town has been dead since the racing closed last season. The- hotels have taken on signs of renewed life and the merchants are already beginning to feel the good effects of the business which Is bound to come with the advent of so many visitors to the city. The general opinion prevails here that racing Is safe despite the fact of some talk of adverse legislation.

Take racing away from the coast and the two titles. Los Angeles and San Francisco, would be back numbers. The sport here Is clean and most popular with the natives. New records may be looked for over the Arcadia course this winter, and it would not be surprising if some of the marks were sent skyward the very first week of racing. The track is In excellent condition.

It is fRst as greased lightning, and the fact that the stretch is slightly down grade Is bound to help the lithe-limbed thoroughbreds In setting some new marks. Many Improvements have been made at the track. The stand has been repainted and a new lawn, smooth as a billiard table, graces the section In front of the paddock. New gardens, filled with blooming flowers hjive been laid out around the entrance to the track. The infield has been leveled and awaits Its first crop of alfalfa.

Indications are that about twenty-five or thirty books will cut in the first day. Along about the first of the year, when the Eastern tourists arrive and business takes on renewed life, the number, it is expected, will be increased. Several big operators will be In the ring on the opening day. Including George Rose, Sammy Kline. Conductor McManus, Steve and others.

George Hlckey of Toront6. a Mg operator on the Canadian circuit, arrived Thursday night and will be In line tomorrow. Pomona. Handicap Field-Out of the list of 73 eligible to start in the Pomona Handicap, feature on tomorrow's card. a'bo'U ten will face the starter.

These include the cream of the sprinting division row quartered here and a fast race will resu't should the rain, which has been threatening for the past few days, hold' off. Stanley Fay. Red Walker's fast trick, is a sure starter. Old Timer, last year a fast horse, will also go to the post. Lee Rose, which cost J.

"Walsh 8S.000 as a two-year-old, will be among the others which will contest for the rich stake. Then there will be Astronomer. Fitzherbert. Restlcmiehe, Dandelion. Pinkola.

a winner at Ft. Erie. Hanbridge a frequent winner at Latonla; Fern L. champion sprinter from Seattle, and one or two others. Out of the list the winner will have to come pretty close to hanging up a record for the seven-furlong route.

Last year this event was won by Mark Anthony an added starter, from the stable of R. F. Carman. Mark Anthony scored a victory In hollow fashion over a heavy track, but he did not meet the class that this year's winner have to beat. Santa Anita patrons will see a goodly portion of the best riders here this winter.

Among them will be Jockey Eddie Martin, who made a remarkable showing at the Latonla meeting: J. Butler, V. Powers, who is displaying his Fort Erie form at Oakland; W. Miller. J.

Lee and any number of other good saddle artists. Some horsem*n who were here last season expected to see a steeplechase course at Santa Anita this year, but no course has been laid out and it is not likely that the Arcadia track will ever sport steeplechase races. The directors of the track are against erecting a course nuuuSu the field and no doubt this mov Is a wis one. The sport is attractive, but hard on the horses, and it really does seem a shame to race a horse over the flat untile loses his speed and then put him over the Jumps to be killed, for that Is the ending of many a good thorough- Eddie Martin will ride at the local meeting for Millionaire I. H.

Wheat-eroft The latter made a contract with the dlmunltlve rider to pay him $1,500 a month for his services, and "Plunger Charley Ellison signed Jockey Joe Butler at a like figure. These two- boys were the stars of the middle "West racing this summer. The pair will spend most of their time at Santa Anita this winter. Plungers on the Ground. Among the famous horsem*n here at present are two noted plungers in the persons of Steve L'Hommedieu and Frisco Gardner.

L'Hommedieu had a most successful season through the Texas circuit. Just before leaving Huston, Texas, last week he cleaned up on bets with a loss of $1,300 to his book. The famous plunger seems to have struck his stride again and no doubt will make things lively In the ring. He will book at tho meeting, cutting in tomorrow. Gradner will also do; some booking during the season.

Many turfmen from the East are here for the -meeting. Canada also sent a large contingent and. a walk through Spring Street, with a visit to the paddocks and tho leading hotels, looks like a real Fort Erie crowd. All who are here for their first visit are delighted with the city, the track and the prospects for rmClE' W. A.

KENNELLT. A STATE TEAM. Sporting Edieor, Buffalo Courier: Sear Sir Having been In close con-tactwith every high school game played a Buffalo this season, and being a former player on Cornell's Iine, I beg eavs to Vubmit the following line-up whTch I think would defeat any high School team In th State: I. Hoff, -tt Frank, Masten; feStivfa Whi School: nc Martin. KtAsten- e.

Avery, Technical; r. iTcrant (cafo. K' llfayette: r. Sullivan. Iafayette r.

Boyle, Lafayette: 1 Free- BANKRUPTCY COURT. Erie Ceumty District. No. 1108 D. 8.

Morgan Building. Hon. W. H. Hotchklsa Rsferea No calendar.

PEEPS CitY. Elisabeth Kleindinst to Ludwlg Stern. Dodge Street, north side, 65.62 feet west of Berlin Street. 32.66 feet front, 8X. Brlghtman Briggs to Cornelius J.

Linehan and one, Oakdale Place, west side, 372 eet i south, of Seneca Street, 28 feet front. 81. John D. Clute to Kathleen Clute, Fillmore Avenue; east side. 420 feet north, of Peckham Street.

80 feet front. tL Matthew Hudson to Ellen Dwyer, Potomac Avenue, north side. 35 feet east of Baynes tSTeet, SO feet front, 81. William E. Cnrley and one to Frederick Kft'tz and one, L.

39, T. XX. R. 8, 81. Christopher Forbach to Mary Lorig, Deerfleld Street east Bide 613.20 feet north of Delaware Avenue, 80 feet front, 1.00.

inhn TV TSuirka et al. to George Hutch inson Hillside Avenue, north side. 80 feet front and $1. Livingston D. Shupe to Beck ft Oehler Company, Herkimer Street, west side, 62 teet south of Breckenrldge Street, 80.6 feet front William Cowdy to Frederick W.

Dan-forth. Mendola Street south side. 210 feet west of Deerfleld Avenue, 85 feet front, 8X00. Frederick W. Danforth to William Cowdy.

Go ham Street, west side, 625 feet north of Elk Street, 81.67 feet front 8X. Frederic Ullman to Henrietta S. Ull-man, Waldea Avenue, south side, 35.57 feet west of Keystone Avenue, 35.67 teet front JL Fannle O. Sweet to William J. Reardori Seneca Street southwest side, 22 feet front, 8800.

Currier Publishing Company to Arthur H. Howe. HUl Street east Side. 217.86 feet south of; Lexington Avenue, 80 feet front. 81.

Theophella L. Meyer to Hattie B. Davenport, Norwood Avenue, east side. 118 feet soutn of Ferry Street S3 feet front, $1. Executors or Benjamin tmecxiey to Jesse Griffin and one, Elmwood Avenue, west side, SO feet front and 81.

Margareth Tobert to Eva Kepfer, Ideal Street, east side, ISO feet north of Reixnan Street 30 feet front and vary 81. Margareth Tobert to same. Ideal Street west side, 261.80 feet north of Vanderbllt Street 6S.20 feet front 31- Aloyse A. Kepfer to Margareth Tobert, Ideal Street, west side, 261.S0 feet north of Vanderbllt Street 63.29 feet front SX, Alols Kepfer to same. Ideal Street east side, 180 feet north of Relman Street, 30 feet front and 81.

William P. Mulhern to Frank M. Treptau, Wakefield Avenue, south side, 347 1-3 feet west of Holden Street, 80 feet front 81. Maria T. Kurx to Anna Boehmer, Utica Street north side; 35 feet east of Brooklyn Avenue, 82.5 feet front 81.

Executor of Simon Bergman to Charles Nelson and one Genesee Street norm side, 150 feet southwest of Moselle Street 40 feet front, SX. Martin Bergman et al. to Charles Nelson and one, Genesee Street, south side, 150 feet southwest of Moselle Btreet. 40 feet front 81. George L.

Thome to Ella Magavern, Charlotte Avenue, north side. 287 1-3 feet west of Holden Street 30 feet front, $1. Mary Krupp et al. to Charles Bauer, Pratt Street, east side. 379 feet south of Broadway, 26 feet front 81.

Charlotte B. Merrltt et al. to Mary Krupp et al.i Pratt 8treet, east side, 379 feet south Of Broadway, 26 feet front, 8X, Jessie M- Messersmlth to Elizabeth G. Beyer, Woodward Avenue, west side, 250 feet south of Crescent Avenue, seven feet front, 81 Anna Noeltner to Henry Winter, Best Street, north side. 25 feet front 81.

Fred D. Stow to William P. Brennen, Woodward Avenue, west side, 150 feet south of Russell Street 50 feet front 3X, Charles B. Waterloo to H. P.

McCabe. 71 and 73. T. 11. 8.

$1. Heirs of Frederick Kraebel to Caroline Schuh. Roeder Street south side, 80 feet front 81. Fannie O. Sweet to Charles C.

Marx and one. Seneca Street southwest side. 35 feet front 81. Johanna M. Kennel, by attorney, to Joseph F.

Baumelster, Ferry Street, south side. 81 feet front, 81. Laura Kulp to Josenh C. Kulp, Fulton Street north side. 215 feet east ef Alabama Street.

85 feet front 8X. Elizabeth Crowe to Mary M. Dngan, Miami Street north side, 2SL65 feet west of Hamburg Street 24 feet front 81. William Kindervatter to Carrie Ratsel. Tonawanda1 Street, southeast side.

420.66 feet northeast of Ontario Street 83 feet front. 81. Daniel L. Hamtll to Myra L. Bchoell-kopf.

Bush Street, east side, 175 feet north of Amherst Street. 60 feet front. COUNTY. Jacob Arnold to Adolph Sauter, Eden, Jl.oo., Mason Brown to Clara A. Brash, Aurora, $1.

Fred W. Wood and one to David "V7. Gibson. Hamburg. 8210.

Edmund O. Pequlgnot to William J. Heifer, as trustee of school district No. 7, Hamburg. 8400.

William Xove, by referee, to Clara Gese, Amherst $100. MORTGAGES City. Ellen Dwyer to Matthew J. Hudson, Potomac Avenue near Baynes Street 81.200. James J.

Hart to William H. Burke, Como Avenue near Soutn Park Avenue, 8800. Obrnelius J- Linehan (to Brlghtman Briggs and one, Oakdale Place near Seneca Street 81.950. Arthur N. Cotton to Brie Savings ft Loan Association.

Russell Avenue near Summit Avenue, 84,000. Carrie M. Schuh to Emma J. Standart. Box Avenue, north side, 8600.

Henry Winter toAnna Noeltner. Best 'Street, north side. 81.650. Edward P. Howe to Herbert Hum-burch, northeast corner of farm lot and Greenfield Street.

$600. Jesse Griffin to Matilda A. Wells. Elm-wood Avenue, west side. 81.000.

William i J. Reardon to Fannie O. Sweet. Seneca Street southwest aide, 8600. a William Cowdy to Frederick W.

Dan-forth. Gorham Street near Elk Street. James J. O'Brlan t0 Christopher W. Long and one.

I SO. T. io. R. 7.

83,000. Anna Boehmer to Maria T. Kara Utica Street near Brooklyn Avenue, 84.0X. Bertha Faiyer to Albany County Savings Bank, northwest comer of Norwood Avenue and Utlea Street 3.000. lif1T.fRatlk Antonla Dsiennlk, Hattie E.

Davenport and en ta Jennie mill, vuv .9 tiuiu Avenue hear Ferry Street. 84,750. 1 1 1.

Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.