The Real Meaning of Mission Of Burma's Song 'Academy Fight Song' (2024)

Song Lyrics meaning ofAcademy Fight Song by Mission Of Burma

Meaning of Academy Fight Song

Lyrics of Academy Fight Song

About Mission Of Burma

Mission Of Burma is an American post-punk band formed in Boston, Massachusetts in 1979. The band consists of members Roger Miller, Clint Conley, Peter Prescott, and Bob Weston. Known for their innovative sound and intense live performances, Mission Of Burma gained a cult following in the underground music scene.One of their most popular songs is Academy Fight Song, which was released in 1980 as part of their debut EP, “Signals, Calls, and Marches.” The song features the band’s signature blend of angular guitar riffs, driving rhythms, and impassioned vocals, capturing the raw energy and experimental spirit of their music.Throughout their career, Mission Of Burma has been influential in shaping the alternative and indie rock genres. They continue to perform and record music, leaving a lasting impact on the music industry with their unique and boundary-pushing approach to songwriting and performance.

  • Song Meaning of Academy Fight Song by Mission Of Burma
  • Song Lyrics of Academy Fight Song by Mission Of Burma

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Meaning of Academy Fight Song by Mission Of Burma

The song “Academy Fight Song” by Mission Of Burma appears to convey a sense of rebellion against conformity and rigid structures. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a setting that is oppressive and restrictive, symbolized by the description of a room with “jerky questions” and “immaculate protection.” This environment seems suffocating and demanding adherence to strict rules, portrayed as playing “close to the vest.”

The chorus hints at a desire for distance and independence from this oppressive system, emphasizing the need to stay away from the speaker and highlighting a sense of individuality and separation from the establishment. The repetition of “not not not not not not not not your academy” suggests a strong rejection of the constraints and expectations imposed by the academy.

In the second verse, the imagery of the halls smelling like “piss” and being “underlit” evokes a sense of decay and neglect within the institution. Despite this grim portrayal, there seems to be a level of comfort or acceptance in fitting into this environment, as indicated by the line “you’re such a perfect fit.”

The mention of the “sound of marching feet” in the context of a strange allure may allude to the seductive nature of conformity and order, drawing individuals into a system that may not be beneficial or fulfilling. However, the song’s defiance remains steadfast, underscoring the resolve to resist and maintain autonomy.

The instrumental break possibly serves as a moment of contemplation or transition, allowing the music to convey emotions and themes that may not be explicitly stated in the lyrics.

The final chorus introduces a moment of reflection, with the acknowledgment that maybe judgment should not be hastily passed on others or oneself. The distinction between “My academy” and “Your academy” suggests a personal introspection about individual values and beliefs, contrasting the speaker’s perspective with that of the establishment.

Overall, “Academy Fight Song” seems to be a rebellious anthem that celebrates individuality, challenges conformity, and questions the restrictive nature of institutional authority. The lyrics invite listeners to reflect on the balance between personal identity and societal expectations, encouraging a critical examination of the structures that shape our lives.

Lyrics of Academy Fight Song by Mission Of Burma

Verse 1
Walk into my room
Ask me jerky questions
Don't mean what you say
Immaculate protection
Play by all the rules
So close to the vest
Hope that all's not lost
And this is not a waste

Stay just as far from me
As me from you
Make sure that you are sure
Of everything I do
'Cause I'm not not not not not not not not
Your academy
Your academy

Verse 2
The halls smell like piss
The rooms are underlit
Still it must be nice
You're such a perfect fit
What's that I hear?
The sound of marching feet
It has a strange allure
It has a strange… allure

Stay just as far from me
As me from you
Make sure that you are sure
Of everything I do
'Cause I'm not not not not not not not not
Your academy
Your academy

Instrumental Break

Maybe you're right
I shouldn't judge
What's wrong or right
This is too much
I'm not judging you, I'm judging me
My academy
Your academy
My academy
Your academy

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The Real Meaning of Mission Of Burma's Song 'Academy Fight Song' (2024)


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"Fight Song" is a song recorded by American singer and songwriter Rachel Platten, released as a single by Columbia Records on February 19, 2015.

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"'Fight Song' was inspired by a lot of experiences that were hurting me and that were making me feel like maybe I didn't have a chance in this industry," she said.

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Fight Song is about Platten's uphill battle to make it as a recording artist. In fact, the music video shows her friendless and wandering, playing vacant gigs, and worrying about her future. But she claims that she has a “lot of fight” left in her and that she will be OK in the end.

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As such a history suggests, songs are used for many purposes: to tell stories, express emotions, or convey a belief in faith. Sometimes they give instructions or help make difficult, repetitive work a little less tiresome.

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The song portrayed her different emotions such as “anger, loss confusion” (Lindner par.

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Instant Answer

The song "Fight Song" is an uplifting and empowering anthem that encourages listeners to keep fighting and never give up. The lyrics are about overcoming obstacles and believing in oneself, even when things get tough. The upbeat tempo and catchy melody can make listeners feel energized and motivated.

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The song was written at a moment of really needing to decide, "Dude, I'm 32 or 31, this is a little pathetic. I need to figure this out and get on with my life." Then I wrote "Fight Song" in this moment of just sheer desperation. I will not give up on myself. That's where it came from.

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Rachel Platten wrote “Fight Song” to help herself. But the song has helped thousands–maybe millions–of other people, too. Now it is not just Rachel's fight song. It is everybody's fight song.

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noun A song sung on the battle-field, or relating to battle; a martial song.


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